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KidsTime 2019 Kielce Fair


In this year’s edition of the KidsTime fair, our client’s stand equipment consisted of numerous display elements, prints, illuminated walls, multimedia and decorative details. Some of the elements were exhibited in the previous edition, others – such as the large TFK platform – are already several years old. This shows that this is not “disposable” furniture and looks good even after some time, as long as it is properly transported and assembled.

The entire stand was built according to the standards imposed by the manufacturer of the goods on display. The children’s industry is an extremely rewarding and interesting subject in terms of stands. They should attract attention with their colors or shape, but also present the packaging of often already colorful packaging in an orderly manner.


Very often, shop furniture is a mobile exhibition. Firstly, it works perfectly at children’s industry fairs, events, conferences – it perfectly presents a given batch of goods in a concentrated place. When the event ends, they do not end up in the warehouse but return to the store. Secondly – often identical ones are ordered by, for example, stores – trade partners who visited a given fair, for their sales showrooms. Other fair realisation HERE.


We are able to refresh the graphics of furniture that we have already produced so that it regains its perfect appearance and is up-to-date in terms of graphics, consistent with the latest message/collection. We have modified our furniture many times, for example, we covered it with a different foil or proposed a solution with an illuminated logo.

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